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Transfiguration Class, 9:20am
You were sat next to Harry, Ron and Hermione perched on the desk in front. You could tell Ron was in a mood from the way Hermione would throw her arms up every now and again and seize his wand. It was quite amusing to watch, but you’d be glad if Harry had tried to make some conversation.
‘Hope I’m not boring you.’ You tried to sound sincere but weren’t sure whether you’d achieved such. He lifted his head from his hands and rubbed his eyes under his glasses.
‘Just thinking about the Ball.’ He mumbled, and you groaned in response. Truth be told, you had been too, and after finding out that Neville had asked someone already, you were really running out of options. Fred was taking Angelina, Seamus was taking Lavender Brown, Dean was taking Eloise, and George was taking a fourth year girl you didn’t know.
‘Why don’t we just go together?’ You suggested, in a moment of brightness.
‘As friends,’ you continued, ‘then we don’t have to worry about not having a date.’
Harry thought for a second, and then grinned.
‘Brilliant!’ Beaming, he seemed to reanimate again.
‘The other day, in the hall...’ You knew what Harry was going to ask. You expect Ron and the twins had caught on as well, you had put on a fairly spectacular show.
‘Yes, uh- oh, Harry, I don’t know,’ he waited for you to continue, ‘I just... really thought he was going to ask me. It’s really embarrassing. I expect Fred and George have been joking about it all week.’ You said sheepily, keeping your voice low as your eyes darted over to Neville on the other side of the room.
‘No, actually, they were quite awkward about it. Not their usual selves at all, and,’ he nodded to Ron infront, ‘was worried. He was asking about you.’
‘Gosh...’ Harry nodded. You really hadn’t expected that, but were comforted by it.
‘Psst. Psst!’ You and Harry both turned your heads to the desk to the left and back one. It was Malfoy.
‘Heard about your little session in the Hall yesterday.’ Malfoy and Goyle pretended to cry, twisting their fists at their eyes and sniggering to themselves.
‘Glad to see your education still isn’t getting in the way of your ignorance, Malfoy.’
‘Glad to see yours isn’t getting in the way of sleeping around.’ Your expression hardened and you clenched your fist. You wanted to say something that you knew he’d hate.
‘You really are just like your father.’ Draco and Goyle both tensed up at this, and Draco clenched his jaw.
‘What’s that supposed to mean? Filthy blood-traitor.’ He snarled, and your head snapped back to facing forward. A few heads turned at this, and you focused on the books infront of you. You felt eyes burning into your back as Harry still flared at Draco. Eventually, he turned back.
‘What’s that mean?’
‘Dunno.’ You replied quickly. You swallowed hard as heads began to turn back to their own conversations, but you caught Neville’s eye.
‘My father’s a great man,’ You heard Malfoy telling Goyle behind you.
‘Maybe it was a compliment?’ Goyle suggested.
‘Shut up, Goyle.’
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Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
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