- 1h
- 10m
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The Hospital Wing, 10:24am
‘Really, Mr Longbottom, she will be ok. A Dementor attack is a nasty shock to anyone, it’s not surprising she is still unconscious!’
You were barely awake, but you wished that Madam Pomfrey would be quiet. You were in a sort of sleep/awake state, fairly aware of what was going on but easily slipping into dreams or deep sleep.
‘I just want to stay f’er a bit longer, jus’ to make sure.’ You heard Neville say, and you wished you could smile at him. The last thing you could remember was running after Sirius with Hermione and Harry, and the lake... and a bright, blinding light, and a feeling that you were levitating. Sirius was innocent; you had to tell everyone. Lupin had run off into the night, you wondered whether he was still there. But you could hear birdsong and chatter outside, it must be the day- what was that? You felt a pressure on your hand, and then a few warm fingers curling round yours. This made you realise just how cold your hands were. Looking back, it was almost Sleeping Beauty like, as your eyes crept open, and your parted mouth closed. You weren’t quite ready for the brightness of the room, and winced. Then you looked to your side.
Neville’s head was hung down, his hands clasped around yours and his other on his mouth.
‘O-oi.’ You mustered. Neville’s head rose slightly, then rather suddenly. For a second, he grinned widely, then his expression dropped along with his hand.
‘S-sorr’eh.’ Even through the blinding white light you could see Neville’s face flush red.
‘It’s- uh, fine.’ You tried to smile, but felt like it had been stung a thousand times. You groaned. This, along with Neville standing very abruptly, drew Madam Pomfrey over to your bedside. She insisted that you drink some of this truly awful potion, which you hastily washed down with Pumpkin Juice. Neville watched on, wincing when you winced.
‘I’ve had quite the crowd come in to see you today,’ Madam Pomfrey started, sounding slightly cross, ‘I’ve had four Weasley’s, two Patil’s, one Longbottom,’ she gestured to Neville, ‘and Professor Lupin.’
‘Professor Lupin was here?’
‘Yes, and quite worried too, I must say. You’ve caused quite a commotion.’ Then you remembered, Sirius.
‘Madam Pomfrey, Sirius Black; the Dementors, they’ve made a mistake, he’s not-‘
‘The Dementors, my dear? Sirius Black escaped, again! That Ministry’s going to have a tough time excusing that, I’ll tell you.’
You didn’t know how, but you knew Harry, Hermione and Ron had solved it, and saved Sirius.
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License details for "The Hospital Wing, 10:24am"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- snow night ambience by bethesda softworks +)
- Wooden Door Slamming by Doogens +)
- creaky chair by internet +)
- Summer field dusk by kvgarlic from http://www.freesound.org +)
- Cough by owlstorm from http://freesound.org +)
- Pouring water into glass by RareSound - www.raresound.co.uk +)
- Burning Torches by www.soundsnap.com *)
- page flip by www.soundsnap.com *)
*) Soundsnap.com license
Image from: warner bros