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The Great Hall, Hogwarts
The Great Hall is one of three rooms at the bottom of the marble staircase which is half a flight up to a continued "first floor" in true British fashion. The Great Hall has two story high double doors that are open from five in the morning until nine at night, as dinner is not served past eight, and breakfast begins at five thirty for staff members and quidditch players (or other naturally early risers, among which there are few in the castle). The Great Hall is the only room large enough in the castle to hold the entire student body at once, which it only does on feast occasions, as mealtimes are generally staggered based on scheduling, lack of sleep, and extracurricular activities.
Coming down the marble staircase to the doors of the Great Hall, to the left is the double doors to the grounds past the statues of the Charging Boars. Students who take the carriages from Hogsmeade Station - or walk from the Village - pass the boars to enter the castle. To the right of the Great Hall is the Hospital Wing that lies at the end of a short corridor. Also in that corridor is the Staff Room for faculty to use between classes. The Great Hall has four long trestle tables with benches. Facing the Staff Table from the entrance (left to right), the tables order Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor. The walls of the Great Hall are covered in banners for each of the houses (left wall Slytherin and Ravenclaw, right wall Hufflepuff and Gryffindor), and the back wall near the Staff table has the four large house hourglasses (two on each side in accordance with the tables) that tally the points earned and lost by students. The Great Hall also has an enchanted ceiling to mimic the weather outside, though no precipitation actually falls past the enchanted barrier that catches the drips of wax from the hundreds of floating candles.
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Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Drizzle on Leaves with Breeze by -k-is_the_author +)
- Stirring Tea sc by glitchedtones +)
- Eating Place* by http://freesound.org +)
- Another Crowd by http://www.freesound.org +)
- People Ambient Large Hall by http://www.freesound.org/people/klankbeeld/ +)
- Pouring tea into a cup by MrAustralisation from http://www.freesound.org/ +)
- Great Horned Owl Hooting by Public Domain from http://www.wildlifeofct.com/great%20horned%20owl.html +)
- Bird wings by Tigersound +)
Image from: Pottermore