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Quiet conversations flow in the background as students are hard at work
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Study Hour in Hufflepuff
There's a million adventures to be had at Hogwarts... another day. Today you have to study for your upcoming Potions exam and chart the stars for Astronomy. You settle into a plush armchair across from your friend and set to work figuring out where the heck Mars will be in two weeks time. Around you groups of students chat and laugh, sitting by the fireplace that warms the underground cavern. Students wander in through the round tunnels that lead to the dormitories and another friend drops by to give you a few good-luck-pasties he pilfered from the kitchen nearby. You munch on the pumpkin-y treats as your homework flies by, far easier than you anticipated.
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License details for "Study Hour in Hufflepuff"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- Paper shuffling by GJOS from +)
- Medieval Street Sounds by Harry Potter +)
- Fireplace by Juskiddink at +)
- Creaking Door Slam by laiaoreka from +)
- talking and laughing by PlusMinusZero from +)
- Quill scratching by The Youtube audio library +)
- Footsteps Walking on Stair by Unknown +)
- Squeaking Wooden Floor by Zwier : +)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License