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study in Ravenclaw Tower
Poem made by:Sheri Sep 2015
The Soul of Wit and Wisdom
Blue curtains draping over high, tall windows
Gazing into the glorious night sky you should know
In the highest tower, lies the eagle above others
Certainly more victorious than another
This is the House of wit and learning
Where points will be given that will be earning
The confidence in ourselves we strive to seek
So don't be shy and not too meek
The House of Ravenclaw takes only the best
But do not forget to get along with the rest
We hold the colours of the cool blue and shiny bronze
Yet we are the most quirkiest against all odds
And most of all, we value our wit and wisdom
For it is like our soul and our kingdom
Comments for "study in Ravenclaw Tower"
License details for "study in Ravenclaw Tower"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- Books by abolla from *)
- Cat Purrs by amsempl from +)
- British Library reading room by bulldozia from +)
- fountain pen by Desiree +)
- Wand tapping by dranz10 +)
- Harry Potter Theme Song by John Williams +)
- Fireplace by leosalom from +)
- Medium rain by RHumphries from +)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License
*) license
*) license
Image from: unknown