- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Slytherin Evening
The Slyherin Common Room is quiet on weeknights. Your house-mates study, read, or talk softly. Some just gaze out the windows into the green water of the lake. In the corner, a group of third-years play Exploding Snap-- but they've been here long enough to know to keep the noise down.
The lake water whispers softly outside, but inside, the fire crackles merrily, casting its warmth across your skin. Beside you on the elegant love seat, a fat white cat purrs with contentment. Even with your eyes closed, you know your peers surround you-- their whispers, the scratch of their quills, remind you that there's always a Slytherin to watch your back. The rest of the Wizarding world may misunderstand you, but here, you're among your own.
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License details for "Slytherin Evening"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Soft Lake Waves by Benboncan freesound.org +)
- stiring in a cup by By Mariusz Jasionowicz - RareSound Production - www.raresound.co.uk +)
- Cat Purring by cubilon from http://freesound.org +)
- fountain pen by Desiree +)
- Fireplace by dobride from http://freesound.org +)
- Wooden Door Slamming by Doogens +)
- Metallic Footsteps by http://www.freesound.org/people/RutgerMuller/ +)
- Small Crowd Chatter by snakebarney from http://freesound.org +)