Speeding North in a Ravenclaw compartment on the Hogwarts Express on a stormy evening
- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Ravenclaws on Hogwarts Express
This is meant to go along with my steam train atmosphere:
For the full experience with weather and train noises, play them together. But if you don't want to run them together, just turn the steam train on in this atmosphere.
You are on your way back to school. Maybe a new school year is about to start or maybe it is just past the xmas break. It's definitely getting dark outside very quickly as you are being moved further and further North and the rain crashes against the windows. But it's cosy inside, you're surrounded by all your best Ravenclaw mates, and the gas lights are giving the compartment a warm glow. The lively debate about all the new things you have all learned during the recent school break has just died down and you are now leafing through a copy of Experimental & Esoterical Magics in the 21st Century. The first year in the corner is practising some spell casting. Your best friend is working on an essay and her older brother has his nose deep in a massive book. LIfe does not get any better than this!
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License details for "Ravenclaws on Hogwarts Express"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Parchment by *)
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*) Soundsnap.com license
Image from: Ann Paine, https://www.reddit.com/r/MostBeautiful/comments/5y68le/the_jacobite_steam_train_passing_o