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Quidditch Tryouts, 5:04pm
‘I feel sick. What if I’m sick?’ Ron said, the both of you trudging down towards the Quidditch pitch. He hastily loosened his collar, feeling his forehead.
‘You’re not going to be sick,’ you huffed, walking closely behind him, ‘you’ll be fine.’
‘Easy for you to say! You’re not going to be out there ... you get to sit and watch!’
‘Ron! You chose to do this, it’s only Quidditch.’ You said, the two of you now entering the pitch. ‘Just do your best; I’m sure you can do it if you really try. I’ll be up there,’ you pointed to the stands, giving him an encouraging smile. He looked slightly green, clutching his Cleansweep in one hand and fumbling with his collar with the other.
Soon, they were up in the air. You, Neville and Seamus had come down to watch Ron; Hermione was busy with Arithmancy homework and Harry was stuck in detention with Umbridge, much to Angelina’s dismay.
‘Go’warn, Ron!’ Seamus shouted, as Ron hovered around the posts. You couldn’t help but think that Ron was not really as good as the other two Gryffindors trying out for Keeper, but you put this down to nerves.
‘Well done, Ron! That was really close!’ You called, as Ron nearly stopped a goal.
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License details for "Quidditch Tryouts, 5:04pm"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Whistle by By Tommon - www.freesound.org +)
- Dock creaking by Filipe Chagas from http://freesound.org +)
- Footsteps, Muddy, E.wav by InspectorJ +)
- GoT - Winter Is Here by Ramin Djawadi +)
- Small crowd outside hot weathe by s9ames +)
- Torch Movement Whoosh by Saxon Surokov +)
- Wind Through Leafs by SoundSnap *)
- Birds Singing at Dusk by Zubayr +)
*) Soundsnap.com license
Image from: warner bros