- 1h
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Outside the Yule Ball, 7:56pm
Four minutes. Harry had four minutes to get himself down to the Hall before the Ball would commence and you would be made to dance in front of everyone there; it was not what you had signed up for when you agreed to go together. You flattened your dress out nervously, anxiously checking the big clock on the wall. At the other end of the corridor, you could see Fleur and Roger Davies talking, Fleur looking off into the distance as she spoke, Roger totally entranced by her. Malfoy had appeared from around the corner, Pansy Parkinson clutching his arm. She was in a fairly frilly pink dress, and he in standard black dress robes. He clocked you immediately.
‘Couldn’t find anyone to go with then? What a surprise.’ He hissed, smirking gladly.
‘Oh, Professor Moody!’ You waved, looking over Malfoy’s shoulder. He spun round immediately, twisting Pansy’s arm. When he realised there was no one there, he snarled at you, and entered the Hall.
‘Come on, Harry...’ you muttered under your breath; two minutes. Thirty seconds later, you heard a quick pattering of footsteps echoing down the corridor, and sure enough, Harry and Ron sped around the corner of the corridor, knocking Roger Davies out of his trance.
‘Sorry,’ Harry managed, breathless, ‘got held up, Peeves-‘
‘Ron,’ you gasped, clutching your mouth, ‘what’re those?’ you said, reaching for the frayed sleeve of his eccentric maroon dress robes. He pulled away quickly, looking very annoyed.
‘Shut up.’ He grumbled.
‘Anyone else here yet?’ Harry asked.
‘Only the whole school,’ you peered back into the Great Hall, looking up at the head table, ‘except Crouch. Percy’s here as his ‘replacement’. He was telling me all about his promotion.’
‘Fabulous. That’s summer gone; all we’re going to hear about is Mr Crouch this, Mr Crouch that. The man’ll get a restraining order...’
‘Crouch isn’t here?’ Harry ignored Ron’s dread.
‘Not well, apparently. Too much stress, or something.’
‘Too much stress?’ Ron started again, ‘What from sitting on his arse watching someone else battle a dragon?’
‘Look, we’re really late; can we go in now?’ Harry and Ron looked a little bit sick at the idea. Though admittedly, so were you; the three of you had all originally intended to go with other people, other people who were now dancing with someone else.
‘Oh, for goodness sake. Cho and Fleur are going to be dancing with someone else, so there’s no point in moving around after them. Ron, go and find Padma. Harry - ‘ you grabbed his hand in a rather unromantic fashion and straightened yourself up, ‘let’s go.’
‘Okay.’ Ron croaked.
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License details for "Outside the Yule Ball, 7:56pm"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Man Laughing Quietly by Adam_N from http://www.freesound.org +)
- hallway ambience by bexhillcollege from http://freesound.org +)
- indoor-adult-murmur-couple by http://freesound.org +)
- Footsteps in castle by https://freesound.org/people/Robinhood76/sounds/70024/ +)
- Beer Bottle Clink by Mike Koenig from soundbible.com +)
- Northanger Abbey reverb by Playford +)
- fountain by Tritus from freesound.org +)
- Burning Torches by www.soundsnap.com *)
*) Soundsnap.com license
Image from: warner bros