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Outside the Castle, 11:45pm
Neville’s jacket hung all the way down to your mid-thigh, and the sleeves another hand bigger than yours, but it was keeping you warm nevertheless.
‘You ‘aving a nice time, then?’ Neville said in a small voice. You nodded before answering, trying to think of how you were going to lie about this.
‘Yeah, really good. Me and Harry are hoping to get in another dance, you know, he’s actually really good.’ You did feel a tinge of guilt saying this, but you felt an absolute tsunami when you looked at Neville’s face.
‘Oh... really?’ He tried to sound enthusiastic.
‘Uh... yeah.’ You winced, confidence draining.
‘Well I’m... I’m really happy for you.’ He smiled forcefully, and you thought for a second he was going to shake your hand, but he awkwardly turned it into a head scratch.
‘You look like you’re having fun as well, Nev.’ You tried to dilute the awkwardness that was now settling in once more, but it looked as though you’d made it worse.
‘I think I’m going to - head back in, don’t - don’t get too cold.’ He added, his voice quiet. Biting your inner cheek, all you could do was nod. Painful as it was, you watched Neville turn and begin walking back into the hall, before you remembered something.
‘Oh, Neville! Your jacket...’ you started to pull your arm out of the exceptionally long sleeve when Neville replied,
‘Keep it. A-and you look nice, by the way.’ He fumbled, walking quickly back into the castle. You uttered a solemn ‘thanks’, and turned back to face the grounds.
‘You silly twat.’ You grumbled to yourself, stuffing your hands into Neville’s jacket pockets.
It was probably another ten minutes before you headed back into the Hall, carefully putting Neville’s jacket onto a chair next to Harry and Ron’s table. The both of them were slumped down on chairs, watching the Ball die down and people begin to trickle out of the hall. You hadn’t seen Hermione for a while, but decided it best to leave her to it for now.
‘You mind if I head upstairs? I’m knackered.’ Ron jumped as you spoke, clearly in a trance staring at Fleur. He waved his hand dismissively and Harry gave you a weak smile.
‘You both look really weird, you know, staring.’ You smirked.
‘Whatever.’ They chimed, then smiled at their synchronisation. You bid them a goodnight, then, with one last glance at the room, and in particular Neville, you picked up the jacket and headed out of the doors and made your way up to the common room.
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License details for "Outside the Castle, 11:45pm"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- male sigh by chrillz3r from http://freesound.org *)
- trickling water by FractalStudios from http://freesound.org +)
- oh darling another room by macaroasted +)
- Another Crowd by unfa on http://freesound.org +)
- Crickets ambience by www.soundsnap.com *)
- Wind blows in leaves by www.soundsnap.com *)
*) Soundsnap.com license
Image from: warner bros