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Moody’s DADA Lesson, 9:02am
It was really awkward now that Harry and Ron weren’t talking. So awkward in fact, that you’d gone to sit on a different table, much to Hermione’s annoyance. She shot you a pleading look, and you guiltily pretended not to see. Usually where the four of you sat and joked with each other were three, quiet students, the middle trying to make conversation involving one of the other two. You were making your way over to Neville and two empty seats remained next to him where Seamus and Dean would sit, but they were with Professor Moody in the next room. He was pairing people in the class up to practice counter curses on each other (not any of the Unforgivable curses, mainly harmless ones; Lavender Brown had cursed Parvati to have a bowl cut, which Parvati was extremely anxious to reverse). Neville had been a good friend since you started Hogwarts, you often studied and attended Quidditch games together. You couldn’t help feeling quite protective over Neville; he was quite a lot more paranoid and quieter than you, and was teased even by some Gryffindors. You had shared some awkward moments too; last year, when you’d woken up dazed and confused in the hospital wing, you’d opened your eyes to Neville holding your hand, and then quickly retreating when he’d noticed your eyes opening. No one had seen, but it remained an awkward memory for the both of you, and lightly tarnished your encounters from then on. Not having seen much of Neville this year only made things more awkward, but coming from your family, you pushed through the awkwardness.
‘Morning.’ You smiled, placing your textbook on the table.
‘Y’all right?’ He asked, concernedly. He’d obviously seen the sour looks on Harry and Ron’s faces. You huffed.
‘Yeah, they’re just... they just had a falling out.’
‘Oh right...’ he said, furrowing his brows, ‘d’you want to sit here?’ he plucked up, expectantly.
‘Please,’ you said, relieved that Neville seemed so normal. Don’t jinx it though, you thought.
‘I, uh, haven’t managed to get much down- so...’
‘I’m not here to copy you, Nev, don’t worry.’
Neville grinned toothily at the use of his nickname, you probably hadn’t uttered it since 3rd year and you knew he liked it.
‘Sorry, I haven’t- I didn’t mean- not taking to you, I just - it’s been busy, you know.’ He stuttered, not looking at you.
‘Yeah, don’t worry,’ you shrugged, even though you truthfully did miss talking to him.
‘Did Harry really... you know.’ Neville gestured dropping something with his hand, and you knew he was alluding to the Goblet.
‘No, I don’t think so. I overheared Moody talking to Dumbledore, and he said that only a really powerful wizard could get through the enchantments on that Goblet. He said that-‘ you lowered your voice to a hushed tone,
‘he said that someone might have done it to try and... kill Harry.’ Neville’s eyes widened so much that you feared they might pop out.
‘Kill Harry? Why?’ He said, your faces close and low to your books so that you could disguise your chatter.
‘Why do you think?’ you said, ‘Who didn’t get him last time? You-know-who can’t come anywhere near Harry, not at Hogwarts, and he’s too weak. But a competition in which students have died? Doesn’t it just seem a bit convenient?’
‘What, you think someone at the Ministry-‘
‘You two!’ A voice sliced straight through your conversation. Your head snapped round at the same time, and Moody’s good eye was focused on you. His magical eye darted randomly around the rest of the room.
‘Yer’ next.’ He gestured towards the door in which he had just entered. Neville gulped auidibly, but you rose up from the desk and weaved through the desks to the doorway. You turned, and surely, Neville was shadowing you. Harry smiled encouragingly, be it weakly. As the three of you entered the corridor, echoey voices emitted from the other end. You spotted Seamus and Dean chortling at each other as they excited the other classroom, falling silent when they spotted Moody limping down the corridor.
‘Got rid of the other nose then, Finnegan?’He muttered, and Dean instantly burst out laughing again.
‘Yes Sir, but I think Dean’s having a bit of trouble with his-‘ Seamus could barely finish his sentence for he was laughing so much, making Dean double over too. Moody was not laughing.
‘Wha’ d’you mean?’ He said, straight toned. Dean mustered up the strength to stand up straight, and reached for his nose. To your astonishment, and Neville’s, who gave a loud gasp, Dean was able to detach his nose from his face, leaving nothing but flat, smooth skin.
‘Oh, Dean-‘ You suppressed a laugh. Moody grunted, and pushed straight past them, indicating for you and Neville to follow. The classroom’s chairs and tables had been pushed to the sides, and you could see the dust in the rays of light through the arched windows.
‘Ok, Longbottom, you’ve got twenty seconds to figure out a curse. A light one, mind, though I’m not sure you’re going to be p’rformin’ any dark magic any time soon.’ He
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License details for "Moody’s DADA Lesson, 9:02am"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Fireplace, subtle and perfect by "reinsamba" from http://freesound.org +)
- Wand tapping by dranz10 +)
- drinking from bottle by jlcwoodhead from http://freesound.org +)
- Creaking Door by Nick Turner, Watercolour Music +)
- Small Crowd Chatter by snakebarney from http://freesound.org +)
- Writing by sportygurl37 from http://freesound.org +)
- birds ambience by www.soundsnap.com *)
- chalkboard by zapsplat +)
*) Soundsnap.com license
Image from: warner bros