- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Hufflepuff Study Vibes
You wake up extra early to get a start on your mounds of homework and studying. Entering the empty common room, you flick your wand at the fireplace to reignite the dying embers from the previous night, and park yourself in the comfiest armchair you can find near a table. Your work is illuminated by the early morning sunlight coming from the circular windows above. The light itself acquires a greenish hue as it is filtered through the ivy and hanging plants covering the walls and ceiling.
You're quickly joined by your most loyal study companion, a 3rd year's cat named Mimbulus; he sprawls luxuriously in a patch of direct sun on the corner of your table, managing to overlap your parchment enough to satisfy his nonchalantly mischievous nature, but not enough for you to push him away. You stick a hand into his vibrating fur. Smiling, you close your eyes and take a deep cleansing breath - comforted by the familiar scent of fresh earth, and the sound of the awakening forest above. Then, living up to your house's hardworking name, you dip your quill and begin.
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License details for "Hufflepuff Study Vibes"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Writing With A Quill by 6polnic from http://freesound.org +)
- Footsteps_Rocks by areed94 from http://freesound.org +)
- Morning Forest by kvgarlic from http://www.freesound.org +)
- chair creaking by N3xia from https://www.freesound.org/people/n3xia/sounds/111726/ +)
- Cat purr 4nk by snapper4298 from http://freesound.org +)
- Medium Fire sc by stratcat322 +)
- page flip by www.soundsnap.com *)
- grandfather clock ticking by Zermoth at https://www.freesound.org/people/Zermonth/sounds/116636/ +)
*) Soundsnap.com license