Studying in the Hogwarts library during a thunderstorm (with a short story)
- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Hogwarts study in library
You venture into the Hogwarts library after class to work opting to bring your cat along with you. Once seated you discover not many students are in the room that you can see but have the occasional passerby. As you work with the gentle crack of the fireplace and the constant pitter patter of the rain against the window you hear a new sound. No one around seems to be bothered by it not even your cat who is always on the defense. You get more unnerved by the voice as it continues, you ignore it the best you can and focus on your work. The rain turns to thunder and made you nearly jump out of your seat the first time you heard the distant clap. The weather outside seems to almost mimic your feelings with the ever so often of pause of rain when the thunder rings through the sky. You can't help but feel the overabundant sense of worry, with the sudden storm that was originally a clear day, the breathless voice plaguing your mind, and the absence of other students. You look up once more up from your unfinished work to see your cat looking directly at you, not at you, above you ever so noticeably and has their tail up straight with paws extended. You are afraid to turn, there is only the large window behind you and a dark sky thanks to the clouds with the occasional flash of light, what are they looking at? You turn having gained enough courage and curiosity to find nothing you lean closer to then by startled back by another clap of thunder. Trying to catch your breathing turning back to your cat who now was curled up into a cinnamon roll looking completely at peace. You turn around again just to make sure since you know you won't be able to focus otherwise. Nothing, there was nothing and that made you light headed. Where was the storm? Where was your cat's continues purr? The fire, the distant conversations, page turnings, wood creaking, shushing from the librarian? And just like it went away, it was back like nothing happened. But you know something happened, right?
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License details for "Hogwarts study in library"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Fireplace, subtle and perfect by "reinsamba" from +)
- Cat Purring by cubilon from +)
- study room (private) ambience by Greyline *)
- GhostSpeak by +)
- Rain on a Window by InspectorJ +)
- Magic Spell by Nakhas from +)
- Creepy Whispering by RaspberryTickle from +)
- Light thunder, right to center by RHumphries from +)
*) license