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Hogwarts Library, Ground Floor
Up the marble staircase and to your right are the large double doors to the library in the hall of moving staircases. The doors are two stories tall and beautifully carved dark wood. They open at 7:00am and close at midnight, though students under 5th Year must abide by 10:00pm curfew. The library is three stories, and the first floor is open from ground floor to third floor, with the second and third floors on balcony wings overlooking the main hall. The windows are floor to ceiling, and one of the best place to watch the sunset or the stars in Hogwarts.
The ground floor is most people's favorite place in the library because it has the most books used for classes in reference, and also because of the fireplaces. There are collections of long wooden tables on the ground floor, and smaller tables closer to the windows. The bookshelves are floor to ceiling under the covered balcony wings of the library, which is shaped like a cathedral's cross, a deeply magical symbol full of hope and knowledge. The Hogwarts crest is emblazoned in a large brass seal on the floor. It's considered good luck to rub it before exams, and the animals in the crest reflect years of hopeful fingers shining it to soft brightness.
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Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
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Image from: Pottermore