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Hogwarts Courtyard, 12:35pm
You sat on the stone wall, squinting through the sunlight at Neville, who was sitting cross legged on the grass in front of you, pouring over a Herbology textbook.
‘Mimbulus mimbletonia ... ‘ He muttered, tracing the words with his finger.
‘Bless you,’ you said, smirking slightly. He gave you a disapproving but somewhat amused look. As you look across at the courtyard again, you spot Professor Lupin strolling down through the stone archways, his cloak swishing sweetly behind him. He had his hands clasped together in front of him, every now and then straightening his tie under his cloak. Neville had caught you looking and he too was now watching Lupin cross the courtyard. He was your favourite - and you could probably speak for Neville and everyone else for that matter - teacher at Hogwarts, nothing like the previous two, one of whom was now dead and the other a fraud with no memory. Neville waved at Lupin, and you felt yourself becoming quite nervous as the Professor started to walk over to the pair of you. Nevertheless, you gave a small smile as he approached.
‘Working hard?’ Lupin said, smiling broadly at Neville, eyeing his Herbology notes.
‘Yes! I’ve been reading about the Mimbulus Mimbletonia ... not that you’d want to know, but it’s got this thing called Stinksap in it, you know, a sort of defence mechanism ... ‘ Neville began to mumble at the end of his sentence, deeming his fact too uninteresting to continue.
‘No spikes?’ Lupin asked, inquisitively. You felt quite elated that Lupin was engaging in Neville’s words; you noticed this in class too, Neville was hardly ever praised by other teachers, but Lupin probably did it at least once a lesson.
‘No, just these boils... Quite incredible really.’ Neville was clearly glad that Lupin had shown interest too, because he was now wearing a toothy grin.
‘It certainly is. Remind me to show you my Fluxweed bulbs after Wednesday’s lesson? I could use some of your expertise on getting them to grow up a bit.’ Neville seemed to puff his chest out slightly, looking as though he’d been chosen to receive an award. Lupin turned his gaze to you. You sheepishly tucked your Earthsea Quartet book into the sleeve of your robe, but it was too late, Lupin has already noticed, and was now smiling knowingly.
‘There’s no shame in that,’ he raised his eyebrows as if he were about to recite something, and you both listened intently, ‘for fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth.’ You gazed up at him, quite enchanted. Neville’s brows were furrowed.
‘Who said that?’ You asked, Neville nodding. Lupin smirked, leaning down.
‘Me,’ You and Neville both laughed lightly, enchanging humerous glances, ‘I’ll be off, I’m on lunchtime duty and I’m supposed to be reprimanding the Weasley twins for a series of cartoons involving a certain Potions teacher, though,’ he added in a low voice, ‘I thought they were quite brilliant.’ You and Neville grinned again.
‘Good day; don’t stop that.’ he referenced to the book in your sleeve and winked in a friendly sort of way, before readjusting the collar on his cloak and swishing away towards the castle doors.
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Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- River by Adam_N from http://freesound.org +)
- Dragonfly Wings by antoineopeng +)
- indoor-adult-murmur-couple by http://freesound.org +)
- Footsteps in castle by https://freesound.org/people/Robinhood76/sounds/70024/ +)
- secrets of the castle by John Williams +)
- Small crowd outside hot weathe by s9ames +)
- Wind Through Leafs by SoundSnap *)
- Birds in heaven by www.soundsnap.com *)
*) Soundsnap.com license
Image from: warner bros