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harry pothead gryffindor study
two different coloured eyes. odd socks. coffee rather than tea. clanging of spoon stirring in cup. sound of pages turning. hand running through fur. lightening mixed with thunder storms. blood staining wood oak floor. dirty feet and muddy clothes. warm cuddles by an open fire. forehead kisses. midnight rain. soft teardrops on red sweaters. smell of old books. lost in a dark forest with monsters. running on misty grass as the sun rises. foggy atmosphere. blue eyes that twinkle with curiosity. back dimples. hidden blade on wrist. yellow. gold. red. puns and dark but bubbly humour. loud talking. dark clouds. unpredictable laughing fits. shin pads and lacrosse sticks. bow and arrow. bloody knuckles. brick walls. black fingerless gloves. sarcastic. red doors and gold door handles. red plaid pants. sound of fire popping. burning marshmallows on candles. burnt fingertips from hot mugs. orange cats. shelves of books. cross-legged in the corner of the library. goofy teeth grins. first aid kits and bandages. no regretful thoughts. giving directions. team work. independent thoughts. red joker cards. bullseye on dart board. charging. knight in shining armour, jumping chain-link fences. class clown. wrecking havoc. front line assault. sworn protectors. gasoline on a fire. cheek dimples. sticking out tongues and hand peace sign. weird selfies. ancient scrolls. William Shakespeare. letting hair down. hair ties around wrists. mud splattered cheeks. crinkled eyes from smiling. warm hugs. poetic words. sharp jawlines. blurry polaroids. being pushed in a shopping cart. rolling down a grassy hill. grass stains. crunching of leaves. gentle freckles sprinkled on back. bright smiles. ukulele and improvised lyrics. camping under the stars. lion. cracked mirrors. ripped maps. broken compasses. open windows. bloody footprints. heavy backpacks. torchlight under the covers of a bed. handwritten notebook. sunflower petals. soaking wet clothes. popcorn in the microwave. peanut butter and marshmallows sandwiches. thick button-up jumpers. goose bumps on forearms. bunchy socks. wandering off the path. climbing trees. loud music. earphones around neck. messy buns. little sneezes. legs around waist. gentle snores. pink cheeks. opened letters. red pain brushes.. jogging in the rain. paper planes. blood in water. fist fights. gritted teeth and mouth guards. short fingernails. bleeding emotions. tenderness and loyalty. beanie hair. bruises with intriguing stories. pink lips. scooby doo. late night movie marathons. karaoke carpool. reusable water bottles. no makeup. thin curly wild hair. 3am McDonalds run for fries.. jumping on the bed. stuffed toy. sports bras. imagination. child eyes. flirty. pranks. daydream. mindless doodles. nigh time adventures. daytime cuddles.
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License details for "harry pothead gryffindor study"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Winter wind whistling window by audible-edge +)
- stiring in a cup by By Mariusz Jasionowicz - RareSound Production - www.raresound.co.uk +)
- female humming fleetwood mac by Janna A +)
- Indoor Rain Window Sill by Josie Cat +)
- Small Group Talking by MentalSanityOff at http://www.freesound.org +)
- Writing by moai15 at freesound.org +)
- Chimney fire by reinsamba +)
- page flip by www.soundsnap.com *)
*) Soundsnap.com license