Cold and stormy beginning of the year but it is cosy with friends
- 1h
- 10m
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Gryffindor tower early January
The year has just started. Most students have not yet returned from their holidays. Only a few populate the Gryffindor common room: older students, kids with no family, and those who don't get on with their so-called nearest and dearest. They bonded over the Christmas period, it made them feel like a family. Now they are enjoying each other's company during the last quiet afternoon/evening they will share before everyone else returns with the Hogwarts Express the next day and Gryffindor tower and the whole castle will start bustling again with its usual energy.
Join us at the fireplace where we do not have to fight for the best seat for once. Have a bottle of butterbeer or pour yourself a cuppa, lean back and relax into the cosy comradery of outcasts and misfits :)
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License details for "Gryffindor tower early January"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- harrumph by Desiree +)
- Cup Spoon Hot Water* by +)
- Beer being poured by +)
- Small Group Talking by MentalSanityOff at +)
- Wind howling inside a building by sagetyrtle ( +)
- Rain on a tin roof by Virtual Sound Company +)
- Teenage Girl Laughing by YaBoiGuzma +)
- stove wood burn by +)
Image from: nessie-eska