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Grimmauld Place, 6:29pm
You stood, arms crossed, brow furrowed, at the bottom of the staircase outside the kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place. You could barely make out whispers that escaped the room where the witches and wizards of the order were currently discussing Harry and the extraction of him from Privet Drive. You were so intent on trying to pick out voices that you recognised that you didn’t notice Professor Lupin emerging from the corridor adjacent to the room. A floorboard creaked as he crept across to you, careful not to wake the now quiet portraits. You look up to him.
‘Having a listen?’ He spoke quietly, raising his eyebrows and lowering his head. You became quite flustered; and not only because you’d been caught snooping.
‘No, actually. I was looking for Crookshanks,’ you lied quickly, ‘Hermione was searching for him earlier.’
‘You’ve been standing here for five minutes!’ Lupin suppressed a laugh, now adopting your stature and folding his arms, leaning back against the wall opposite you.
‘Well, I was looking very thoroughly.’ You replied, rather wittily you thought, smiling to yourself. ‘What time are you going for Harry?’
‘Should be any minute. Moody’s just finishing up; we’re taking brooms.’ You winced. The last time you’d been on a broom you’d spun round and round and then had to rush to the girls bathroom.
‘All the way to Surrey?’
‘It’s not that far, really, though I’m sure Moody will insist on taking the scenic route.’ He winked and grinned. You couldn’t help thinking this was rather attractive, but internally shook your head at the thought. Relaxing slightly, you sighed and sunk down onto one of the stairs.
‘Exhausted. I haven’t even done anything, and I’m exhausted.’ You chuckled lightly, though slightly dampened at your words.
‘Well, sometimes we just feel exhausted emotionally, or socially.’ You gave a small smile, and he returned one, encouragingly.
‘I suppose so. I can’t imagine how you must feel, organising things and doing all the hard work.’ Remus shook his head at your words, now stuffing his hands into his pockets.
‘No, no, I just do what I’m told.’ You wondered if this was true, in all senses, and once again mentally scolded yourself.
‘Doing more than I am.’ You breathed.
‘Looks like your keeping Fred entertained.’ Remus smiled knowingly, and you pursed your lips awkwardly, screwing up your nose.
‘It’s not-‘
‘Don’t worry-‘
‘I know-‘
‘Just friends-‘
You both laughed, the awkwardness increasing to almost intolerable levels. Your face flushed quite violently.
‘I think I’ll go, and just see - Ron, and Hermione.’ Remus nodded understandingly, and you gave a quick goodbye smile.
‘Oh,’ you started as you neared the top of the stairs, ‘good luck!’. You raised both thumbs awkwardly, and he gave you a small thumb up held next to his cheek.
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License details for "Grimmauld Place, 6:29pm"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Ambient Traffic by *)
- Whispering by geoneo0 from http://freesound.org +)
- Ambient Synth by http://freesound.org +)
- Footsteps on Wooden Floor by http://www.freesound.org/people/ftpalad/sounds/119914/ +)
- Clock Ticking by keweldog from http://freesound.org +)
- Angry dogs bark in distance by Pond5 +)
- Burning Torches by www.soundsnap.com *)
- Crickets ambience by www.soundsnap.com *)
*) Soundsnap.com license
Image from: warner bros