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Forbidden Forest, 12:00am
Harry had been apprehensive to take up Hagrid’s offer to meet him at his hut at midnight, and since Hermione was busy writing out her S.P.E.W manifesto and Ron was still ignoring Harry, he’d taken to asking you to accompany him. You’d reluctantly accepted, seeing as the both of you had to be back in the Gryffindor Common Room at one o’clock to talk to Sirius anyway.
‘Thank you, by the way,’ he said as you both trudged down the hill to the small hut, concealed under Harry’s father’s cloak.
You had both grimaced when it was revealed that Madame Maxime would be joining Hagrid on the mysterious midnight stroll, but when the mystery was uncovered, you both forgot all about it. Harry almost dropped the cloak, you had to clasp it quickly before it fell to the ground and left you exposed. Four, enormous Dragons enclosed in huge cages, chains and ropes tied around each of their hands, snouts and necks, and a dozen men on each.
‘That’s the first task?!’ Harry whispered, alarmedly. You shrugged anxiously.
‘Look, Harry, there’s Charlie.’ You had both briefly talked to Charlie before the school term when Mr Weasley had taken everyone to the Quidditch World Cup.
The heat emitting from the dragons, even from hundreds of feet away, was proving too much under the cloak. You expected though, that Harry was feeling a different sort of pressure.
‘Come on, let’s go. We’ve got fifteen minutes before Sirius is expecting us.’ Harry gave one last ginger look at the dragons, and then began to run along side you.
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License details for "Forbidden Forest, 12:00am"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Chains rattle by By daveinCamas - www.freesound.org +)
- long windharp vaisvil 1 by Chris Vaisvil +)
- Insect Ambience by freesound.org +)
- Dragon in the Distance by GameSoundEffects from youtube.com +)
- Walking in the forest by Maximilian Regrubees +)
- Dragon Growl (Far) by Slaking_97 +)
- Night Forest Edited by Torgjer, Dobroide from freesound.org +)
- Dragon sleeping by Yeetus +)
Image from: warner bros