Maybe Care of Magical Creatures wasn't the best elective to take
- 1h
- 10m
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Class Camping Trip
Care of Magical Creatures seemed like a decent idea for an elective. You get to spend some time outside, feeding the hippogriffs or going unicorn spotting. Some people warned you about Professor Luna Scamander, of course. She was a bit odd, they said. Saw a whole bunch of action in the Second Wizarding War and had a different idea of what "safe" meant. But when you found out that with your schedule it was either CMC or the notoriously boring Divination class, that sealed the deal.
For the most part, it was fine. The flobberworms weren't too bad once you learned how to handle them. The same with fire crabs. You got to see your first real live unicorn and meet Firenze, the most famous of the Centaurs. Then, Luna Scamander announces a class camping trip.
Great! You think. A week off school, cooking food over open fires, searching for Crumple Horned Snorkacks in Sweden. You sent the permission slip off to your parents by Owl first thing.
Fast forward a month and you wish that stupid Owl had gotten lost. It hasn't stopped raining. It's cold as hell up here and, to top it off. Professor Scamander announces that while she hasn't found evidence of a Crumple Horned Snorkack (you're starting to wonder if they even exist), she's found the tracks of something even better:
A werewolf.
Of course, hunting for it was optional, though worth extra credit. After some debate, you realized you could really use the extra points after you accidentally let the thestrals out of their pen. So here you are, tromping through the woods at two in the morning with your search party, in the rain, hunting a damn werewolf! Occasionally you hear the other parties hurling stupefy curses. Well, they're welcome to the thing.
At least Divination would have been dry...
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Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
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